Cincinnati Tri-State Chapter (ISC)²

2023 Elected Officers

          • President - Elvira Blinoff, CISSP

          • Treasurer - Gary McMullen, CISSP

          • Secretary - Charles Lester    

          • Membership Chair - Tom Falter

Past Chapter Officers

          • President - Brian Cunningham, CISSP          

          • President - Gary McMullen, CISSP              

          • President - Chris Huntington, CISSP                    

          • Secretary - Mike Dockery, CISSP                 

          • Secretary - Chad Long, CISSP                           

          • Treasurer - Matthew Williams, CISSP

          • Treasurer - Anne Murphy                         

          • Membership - Gary Miller, CISSP                    

          • Membership - Chris Huntington, CISSP         

          • Membership - JD Milton                            

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